Keep Health with Physical Activity

There are a lot of advantages from doing physical activity every day such as:
1. Fresh and Healthier life.
2. Better health of physical and bounce.
3. Degrading danger of heart sickness.
4. Lessening natural risk of high blood pressure.
5. Lessening stress.
6. Strong and healthier muscle.

How to do simple physical activity and have positive impact for body?

Existence of progress of modernizes technology in this time surely bring negative and positive impact to our health. As positive aspect, many activities becoming easy and shorten from time facet because of advanced technology. While negative impact of him make people become lazy make a move, for example: disposed of people watching TV all day long at the same time eat without moving because interesting programs, added with existence of remote control that facilitate to change channel without moving from seat. With existence of elevator make someone become lazy use ladder, so it’s less give opportunity to do physical activity.


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