Cervical Cancer Early Detection by pap smear

Risk factors for cervical cancer causes include:

* Getting married or having sex at a young age (<17 years)

* Frequently changing sexual partners and having sex with men who often have multiple sexual partners

* History of recurrent infections in the genital or pelvic inflammatory

* Women often give birth

* Female smokers have two times greater risk than women non-smokers

To make early detection of cervical cancer, among others by doing pap smear. Pap smear is an examination of the cervix (cervical) using a tool called a speculum and performed by the midwife or obstetrician. This examination is to determine the presence of HPV or carcinoma cells causes cervical cancer.
This examination is cheap, fast and can be done at the nearest health services such as: health centers, maternity hospital, Hospital, Midwife, Clinic, physician practices, etc.. This examination can be done anytime, but is menstruating or according to doctor's instructions. Pap smear should be done 1 time a year by every woman who has sexual intercourse.
When a positive pap smear examination results, the cells are abnormal, you should consult the nearest health workers to do the examination and further treatment by a gynecologist. Perform regular pap smear for cervical cancer found faster and more likely to recover.


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